If you want to sell the content of your app, you need to "link" the issues uploaded in the Paperlit dashboard to iTunes and Google Play stores.
Please, before to start to create the product IDs, make sure to have added all the required information on iTunes Connect (section: Agreements, Tax, and Banking) and on Google Play (section: Settings and "Set merchant account").
For first, go to Paperlit Dashboard, Features -> Purchase-manager -> Setup and fill the field under "Store keys". You can find the info required on your iTunes Connect account and Google Play developer console.
- SKU Number: iTunes Connect -> My apps -> Select the app -> App information
- App shared secret: Follow these instructions, specifically the section "To generate a shared secret" (the latest section of the page)
- Google Checkout public key: go to your Google Play developer console -> Select the app -> Services & APIs. Copy the code under "Your license key for this application"
- Enter in the issue details and select "Paid" from the drop menu. You need to do it for all the paid issues (also for the issues included in a subscription).
2. Now, you need to create the product IDs on the stores. There are two ways to do it:
2.1. Upload single product IDs
In the issue details, click on the "Show product IDs" button.
Copy the product ID of one of the store, then follow these guides to create the product IDs on the stores:
2.2. Upload the product IDs in bulk.
In this case, you can create multiple product IDs in advance of the issues upload in the Paperlit dashboard.
Just go to the Paperlit Dashboard, Features -> Purchase-manager -> In-app products
Select the price of the single issue:
Click on "Set price".
Then, scroll down the page until "Export in-app products":
Download the products, then follow this guide to upload the file on iTunes Connect.
Regarding the Google Play developer console, just access to your account, Select the app -> In-app products . Click on the button "Import/Export" and choose the file downloaded from the Paperlit dashboard.
- Go to the Paperlit Dashboard, Features -> Purchase-manager -> In-app products
- Click on "Add new subscription"
- Fill the fields:
- Title and description of the app: They will be visible on the app.
- Type:
- Print: it's the typical subscription. A user will be able to read the content published after the start date until the expiration date.
- Digital: a user will be able to read ALL the content of the app (also the issues published before the start date) until the expiration date.
- Consumable: you can choose how many issues a user can download in the subscription period.
- Civil: it refers to the calendar year (or month). It means that a user who subscribe on July, 10th 2020 is able to read all the issues published from January, 1st 2020 to December 31, 2020 (if yearly) or from July, 1st 2020 to July 31th (if monthly).
- Timing: the time period of your subscription.
- Unlock previous issues: it's valid only for the print subscriptions. You can allow users to read a number of issues before the start date (e.g. 2 months before).
- Existing Product IDs: you need to flag this option only if you have an existing subscription published on the stores.
- Publications: flag the publications included in this subscription.
4. Go to iTunes Connect -> My Apps -> Features -> In-app purchases. Follow these instructions, starting from "Understanding Subscription Groups"
5. Go to your Google Play Developer Console -> Select the app -> in-app products -> Add new product. Follow these instructions, starting from "Configuring subscription items".
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