Direct Channel Support

  • Total activity 95
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  • Subscriptions 50


Votes on activity by Direct Channel Support Recent activity Votes
  • Testers

    You can add your device in the testers group. In order to do that, go to Features -> Purchase Manager -> Testers. Here you can see how to find the device id. This feature is used to check the issu...

  • How the annotation tool works

    If you want to add a note to your magazine, highlight a part of the text or just select it to copy, you have to open the annotation tool:   Here's the menu:   - Select text: just click on the rel...

  • How to upload different versions of a file

    If you want to make available different file format (e.g. folio, hpub, PDF) according to specific device, you can do it from the section "File versions". E.g. you can choose to show the .folio file...

  • How to activate an issue preview

    If you want to give free access to some pages of an issue (up to 20 pages), just click on the "File versions" section and on the Preview icon:   Turn on the button "Show preview in app" and selec...

  • How to create a coupon campaign

    if you're planning a marketing campaign or you just want to give free access to some content of the app to your customers, you should create a coupon campaign. 1) You can find the coupon generator ...

  • How to send a push notification

    INSTANT/SCHEDULED PUSH NOTIFICATION If you want to send a push notification to all the devices (both iOS and Android) or just to a single device, you have to go to the section Features -> Push Noti...

  • How to find your UUID

    You might need to use your UUID (universally unique identifier) on the Paperlit Dashboard. But where do you find it? It's very easy!  Just open the app, open the side menu and go to Credits. Tap&ho...

  • Free transactions

    When? Starting from the version 13.1.0 of the iOS and Android app, you can easily add a free transaction to a specific device UUID (Don't you know how to find it? Please see here). Why? They can be...

  • Advertising in Paperlit apps

    You can add up to 5 advertising positions in the Paperlit apps: Storefront banners  HTML5 Overlay Sponsor logo Interstitial Banner at the bottom of the reader Please find the related section in t...

  • Install the Paperlit Content Viewer app

    Did you already register to the Paperlit dashboard? If yes, download the Paperlit Content Viewer app to see the configuration and the changes that you will make on your app in real time! You can do...